For serialized audio books, interviews, audio dramas, as well as podcasts on Classic Valiant Comics, politics, Doctor Who, Cosplay, and more check out Tin Pod Radio. Also if you have ever wanted to do your own podcast we will host other creators shows for free to get different and varied voices out there.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
The Gut Kill #1: Opening Day
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
THE GUT KILL is a new monthly Audio Drama series, part of Tin Pod Radio: tinuniverse.blogspot.com
What does a deity or time walker do when they clock out and need a loaf of bread, flesh bread? To The Gut Kill. Shocked! Where does the foot solider of the latest King Of The Universe pick up solar batteries for his son? The Gut Kill! It's a pretty great little store. A stocked walk in store that is crammed with the darnedest things. If the universe notices you, and if you have a need, you might find yourself outside The Gut Kill.
*don't feed the counter girl. She bites.
**no Muse, God, or "Best Friend" is responsible for what may happen to you inside The Gut Kill.
***The Gut Kill is a sub reality. Sub Sub.
Girl At Counter = Chloe Mei-li Bundt
Record = Brian C. Williams
The Narrator = Stacey Taylor
Caspry Soldier = Josh Wells
Shock = Ashen Gray
Erato = Shiraz Engineer
Blod Vetala = Niamh Kennedy
insta @niamhk03, youtube @niamhalicekennedy, twitter @Nemo37419349
Written/Created By Brian C. Williams
#fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #audiodramapodcasts

Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Record: Televisits 3
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Record: Televisits 3 These Televisits are small moments out of a universally large life. Enjoy these brief story bits between seasons of Record. Hell, most people can only stand to be around him for about a minute anyways. One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions. Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/ Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter Brian C. Williams as Record Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour Covers By 74 Images Written By Brian C. Williams Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/songs/startin-a-war/46336 #fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Record: Televisits 2
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
These Televisits are small moment out of a universally large life. Enjoy these brief moments between seasons of Record. Hell, most people can only stand to be around him for about a minute anyways. One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions. Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/ Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter Brian C. Williams as Record Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour Covers By 74 Images Written By Brian C. Williams Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/songs/startin-a-war/46336 #fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Record: Televisits 1
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. These Televisits are small moment out of a universally large life. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions. Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/ Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter Brian C. Williams as Record Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour Covers By 74 Images Written By Brian C. Williams Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/songs/startin-a-war/46336 #fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio #countrymusic

Friday May 31, 2024
Record: Session 5
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Record: Session 5 One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope. 5 episode series monthly. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions. Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/ Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter Brian C. Williams as Record Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour Covers By Justine otherwise known as Redsreferences. You can find more on all of her work at her website: https://beacons.ai/redsreferences Written By Brian C. Williams Record Art By John Delmonte Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/songs/startin-a-war/46336 #fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio #intrusivethoughts

Friday May 10, 2024
Brain Leakage #15: The Daleks, Part 5
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Brain Leakage is a solo podcast, and hopefully in the future with guests where we podcast watching each and every episode of Doctor Who from the beginning. Just hit record on your phone, computer, or fancy stancy microphone and watch an episode of Doctor Who. We are currently on The Daleks so if any is interested in anything after that from Hartnell to Mcgann just give shoot us a message. Also now we are a video series covering New Who. Part of TIN UNIVERSE PRESENTS on YouTube. The hope is that this will become an archive containing as many different voices on Doctor Who as we can find. TIN POD RADIO https://hangofwednesday.podbean.com/ Logo by utmostumbreon Theme: HEROES by HENZË https://www.musicbed.com/songs/heroes/68023 The Voice Of Tin Universe is @stacebobt #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #tinuniverse #brainleakage #tinpodradio #doctorwho #doctorwhofandom

Sunday May 05, 2024
Record: Session 4
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope. 5 episode series monthly. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions. Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/ Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter Brian C. Williams as Record Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour Covers By Justine otherwise known as Redsreferences. You can find more on all of her work at her website: https://beacons.ai/redsreferences Written By Brian C. Williams Record Art By John Delmonte Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/songs/startin-a-war/46336 #fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Record: Session 3
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy.
Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope.
5 episode series monthly. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions.
Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/
Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter
Brian C. Williams as Record
Covers By Justine otherwise known as Redsreferences. You can find more on all of her work at her website: https://beacons.ai/redsreferences
Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour
Written By Brian C. Williams
Record Art By John Delmonte Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/
Additional Sound From: Artlist https://artlist.io/
#fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Record: Session2
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy.
Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope.
5 episode series monthly. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions.
Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/
Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter
Shiraz Engineer as Erato @OratrixVO on Instagram and Twitter
Brian C. Williams as Record
Covers By Justine otherwise known as Redsreferences. You can find more on all of her work at her website: https://beacons.ai/redsreferences
Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour
Written By Brian C. Williams
Record Art By John Delmonte Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/
Additional Sound From: Artlist https://artlist.io/
#fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Record: Session 1
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy.
Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope.
5 episode series monthly. Tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions.
Starring: Rita Amparita as Auxilium http://www.ritaremixed.com/
Ashlee Craft as Calliope http://www.ashleecraft.carrd.co/ @Ashlee_Craft on Twitter
Shiraz Engineer as Erato @OratrixVO on Instagram and Twitter
Brian C. Williams as Record
Covers By Justine otherwise known as Redsreferences. You can find more on all of her work at her website: https://beacons.ai/redsreferences
Stacey Taylor as The Narrator https://linktr.ee/StaceysParlour
Written By Brian C. Williams
Record Art By John Delmonte Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild https://www.musicbed.com/
#fiction #fictionpodcasts #podcasts #tinuniverse #record #mentalhealth #podcasters #podcasting #scifipodcasts #scifi #fantasy #horror #audiodrama #fullcastaudio

Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Record teaser
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
One thing anyone who travels throughout realities, from one planet to the next in the blink of an eye, within time itself, one thing anyone who walks these paths needs is therapy. Record is one such person and it's a good thing he has a Muse that puts him in his place when needs be. Telling stories, having our stories told are two of our most healing ways of dealing with death, love, desire, desperation, and hope.
Once a month starting in 2024 tune into Tin Pod Radio wherever you listen to podcasts for stories told by someone who hopefully gets something out of these sessions.
Written By Brian C. Williams
Record Art By John Delmonte
Theme Song Startin a War by Nevada Wild

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
The Darkness Bite: Hell
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
The Darkness Bite is a place where things not observed don’t exist. Well, they exist but they’re not really canon. It’s a harsh life living in a place where most of existence operates as more vignettes than novels. This place is more focused on ideas, moments, imagery, and meaning than plot. Ever feel like ‘I don’t get the plot.’ Here its against all reality if you did The Darkness Bite is a audio drama series. Every year we will be releasing a short audio drama story and in-between those shorts will be micro audio seasons. These might be audio dramas but each one of the micro stories will feature videos with old school miniature models and computer generated effects.
HELL Tin Pod Radio Halloween Special Written By Brian C. Williams
PODCASTER 1 Simon Wells www.simonwellsvo.com TV NEWS REPORTER 1 Debs Wardle https://debswardle.co.uk/
TV NEWS REPORTER 2 Anna Coombes AnnaCoombesvoiceover.com SERENITY Theo Holt-Bailey https://www.spotlight.com/3814-9053-9124
MALE SOLDIER 1 Hua Sonrin https://t.co/TsQn4ZTyGk
SOLDIER 2 Alyssa Ferrari AlyssaFerrariVO.com MALE SOLDIER 3 Gerald Hill https://www.artofgee.com/
FEMALE SOLDIER 1 Danielle Bryn www.daniellebryn.com/ DR. POST Chrystian Marte https://cmartevo.com/
YOUNG SOLDIER Steven Jobson JobsonVOX.com NARRATOR Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
MISSION COMMAND Faye Holliday https://fayeholliday.carrd.co/
DRAKUYLA Attila Puskás https://attilavoices.carrd.co/
RECORD Brian C. Williams tinuniverse.blogspot.com DOVE Serena El-Hajali https://serenamayva.carrd.co/
THEME: Monsters In The Shadows by Atalia https://www.musicbed.com/songs/monste...
For All Things Tin Universe: tinuniverse.blogspot.com #halloween #art #audio #audiodrama #horror #podcasts #tinuniverse #darknessbite #fiction #shortfiction #audiofiction #fullcastaudio

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
The Darkness Bite: Hell (teaser)
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
The Darkness Bite is a place where things not observed don’t exist. Well, they exist but they’re not really canon. It’s a harsh life living in a place where most of existence operates as more vignettes than novels. This place is more focused on ideas, moments, imagery, and meaning than plot. Ever feel like ‘I don’t get the plot.’ Here its against all reality if you did The Darkness Bite is a audio drama series. Every year we will be releasing a short audio drama story and in-between those shorts will be micro audio seasons. These might be audio dramas but each one of the micro stories will feature videos with old school miniature models and computer generated effects. HELL Tin Pod Radio Halloween Special Written By Brian C. Williams CAST: PODCASTER 1 Simon Wells www.simonwellsvo.com TV NEWS REPORTER 1 Debs Wardle https://debswardle.co.uk/ TV NEWS REPORTER 2 Anna Coombes AnnaCoombesvoiceover.com SERENITY Theo Holt-Bailey https://www.spotlight.com/3814-9053-9124 MALE SOLDIER 1 Hua Sonrin https://t.co/TsQn4ZTyGk SOLDIER 2 Alyssa Ferrari AlyssaFerrariVO.com MALE SOLDIER 3 Gerald Hill https://www.artofgee.com/ FEMALE SOLDIER 1 Danielle Bryn www.daniellebryn.com/ DR. POST Chrystian Marte https://cmartevo.com/ YOUNG SOLDIER Steven Jobson JobsonVOX.com NARRATOR Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/ MISSION COMMAND Faye Holliday https://fayeholliday.carrd.co/ DRAKUYLA Attila Puskás https://attilavoices.carrd.co/ RECORD Brian C. Williams tinuniverse.blogspot.com DOVE Serena El-Hajali https://serenamayva.carrd.co/ THEME: Monsters In The Shadows by Atalia https://www.musicbed.com/songs/monsters-in-the-shadows/60522 For All Things Tin Universe: tinuniverse.blogspot.com #halloween #art #audio #audiodrama #horror #podcasts #tinuniverse #darknessbite #fiction #shortfiction #audiofiction #fullcastaudio

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Brain Leakage #14: The Daleks, Part 4
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Brain Leakage is a solo bare bones podcast, and hopefully in the future with guests, where I podcast watching each and every episode of Doctor Who from the beginning. Just hit record on your phone, computer, or fancy stancy microphone and watch an episode of Doctor Who. We are currently on The Daleks so if any is interested in anything after that from Hartnell to Whittaker just give shoot us a message. The hope is that this will become an archive containing as many different voices on Doctor Who as we can find. TIN POD RADIO https://hangofwednesday.podbean.com/ Logo by @utmostumbreon The Voice Of Tin Universe is @stacebobt #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #tinuniverse #brainleakage #tinpodradio

Thursday May 11, 2023
The Farm, The Restaurant, The Garden, The Podcast 3: Master Gardeners And More
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
This show is where two people named Brian and Leigh talk about food in uncertain times, from childhood eating habits, to gardening, and distribution issues during a pandemic. Listen to us talk about what we know, don't know, and what we are learning.
Brian is a hillbilly born in a very small coal mining town who left said town in Appalachia to discover the world America hides from. You can find more about his crazy at tinuniverse.blogspot.com
Leigh Dragoon was raised in a log cabin in the Adirondacks, where she developed an early love of reading and writing. She became a fan of Little Women at age nine, after Beth's demise made her bawl herself to sleep. This led to a lifelong appreciation of the book and inspired her to create a fantasy adaptation, LITTLE WITCHES: MAGIC IN CONCORD. You can find more about Leigh https://www.leighdragoon.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
Series photo by Leigh Dragoon {Including any other animal photos that may be used for the video version}
Music By Musicbed https://www.musicbed.com/

Tuesday May 09, 2023
10, I Wish I Was Brave: Timewalker #0
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
*We are relaunching I WISH I WAS BRAVE, and since we actually only published a few episodes we are reposting from the start so we have a good straight starting point here at episode 10 without the few filler episodes we did.
I tried to start with Mar briefly discussing a cool local Pokemon Go happening...event?.... situation, but she kept talking and we talked movies, the Oregon Trail table top game, and Death Note, before she went to bed and I talked about Timewalker #0
WITHThe Right Voice (MorganTJ Whirlwind Remix) by morgantj (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/morgantj/35199

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Brain Leakage #13: The Daleks, Part 3
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Brain Leakage #13: The Daleks, Part 3
The leakage is back and talking about The Daleks, Part 3. Still a little recovering from being sick it's a little short even for a episode where it's just me.
If you would be interested in co-hosting or guesting to talk about a Doctor Who episode contact us about setting something up. Or if you want to add you two cents about The Woman Who Fell To Earth in an audio clip we'd love to hear from you. We'd love for Brain Leakage to become a Doctor Who community review show.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
#23, Under The Training Book: Here Comes 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
#23, Under The Training Book: Here Comes 2023
To sleep a very tired, and sometimes drunk writer dumps out a wasteland of words and thoughts from his brain so he can reboot in the morning. Under The Training Book is a journal style show that more resembles days of Diaryland and daily Blogger updates than a normal podcast with rants on politics, faith, pop culture, and pain, tests of every beep and whistle during a podcasting learning process.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
The Farm, The Restaurant, The Garden, The Podcast 2: Seasonal Foods
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
This show is where two people named Brian and Leigh talk about food in uncertain times, from childhood eating habits, to gardening, and distribution issues during a pandemic. Listen to us talk about what we know, don't know, and what we are learning.
Brian is a hillbilly born in a very small coal mining town who left said town in Appalachia to discover the world America hides from. You can find more about his crazy at tinuniverse.blogspot.com
Leigh Dragoon was raised in a log cabin in the Adirondacks, where she developed an early love of reading and writing. She became a fan of Little Women at age nine, after Beth's demise made her bawl herself to sleep. This led to a lifelong appreciation of the book and inspired her to create a fantasy adaptation, LITTLE WITCHES: MAGIC IN CONCORD. You can find more about Leigh https://www.leighdragoon.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
Series photo by Leigh Dragoon {Including any other animal photos that may be used for the video version}
Music By Musicbed https://www.musicbed.com/

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
So You Want To Talk About Hell, Wall Bound Church Talk
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Every day in October I will be post something Halloween related. Rotating on my Patreon {free to everyone} will be a one page comic story, followed the next day by a micro audio diving more into the story of the comic.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Oz, A Wall Bound Introduction
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Every day in October I will be post something Halloween related. Rotating on my Patreon {free to everyone} will be a one page comic story, followed the next day by a micro audio diving more into the story of the comic.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
The Farm, The Restaurant, The Garden, The Podcast 1: Food Relationships
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
The Farm, The Restaurant, The Garden, The Podcast 1: Food Relationships
In our first episode we give our introductions on our relationships with food.
This show is where two people named Brian and Leigh talk about food in uncertain times, from childhood eating habits, to gardening, and distribution issues during a pandemic. Listen to us talk about what we know, don't know, and what we are learning.
Brian is a hillbilly born in a very small coal mining town who left said town in Appalachia to discover the world America hides from. You can find more about his crazy at tinuniverse.blogspot.com
Leigh Dragoon was raised in a log cabin in the Adirondacks, where she developed an early love of reading and writing. She became a fan of Little Women at age nine, after Beth's demise made her bawl herself to sleep. This led to a lifelong appreciation of the book and inspired her to create a fantasy adaptation, LITTLE WITCHES: MAGIC IN CONCORD. You can find more about Leigh https://www.leighdragoon.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
Series photo by Leigh Dragoon {Including any other animal photos that may be used for the video version}
Music By Musicbed https://www.musicbed.com/

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Telephone must go to his scheduled ship therapy. Maybe having all the ships AI voices being like his own wasn't such as good idea?
For more on Tin Pod Radio head over and listen to some of our past shows. We audio books, interviews, reviews, and many other types of podcasts. https://hangofwednesday.podbean.com/
The series theme is King Of The World by CRMNL https://www.musicbed.com/artists/crmn...
Video Clips from Storyblocks https://www.storyblocks.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
IN NO ONES VOICE is written by Brian C. Williams For All Things Tin Universe visit https://tinuniverse.blogspot.com/

Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Check Out the first teaser to Tin Pod Radio's new micro audio drama series IN NO ONES VOICE. Some episodes will only be a few minutes, other up to 10 minutes in length. For more on Tin Pod Radio head over and listen to some of our past shows. We audio books, interviews, reviews, and many other types of podcasts. https://hangofwednesday.podbean.com/
The series theme is King Of The World by CRMNL https://www.musicbed.com/artists/crmn...
Video Clips from Storyblocks https://www.storyblocks.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor https://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
IN NO ONES VOICE is written by Brian C. Williams For All Things Tin Universe visit https://tinuniverse.blogspot.com/

Saturday Jun 18, 2022
#22, Under The Training Book: State Of Tin Pod
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
To sleep a very tired, and sometimes drunk writer dumps out a wasteland of words and thoughts from his brain so he can reboot in the morning. Under The Training Book is a journal style show that more resembles days of Diaryland and daily Blogger updates than a normal podcast with rants on politics, faith, pop culture, and pain, tests of every beep and whistle during a podcasting learning process.

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
ORIGINAL SIN Episode 3:Deeper Roses To Fall
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
The Original Sin is the place we fear, the place we kill for, the place of desire, and the birth place of all spiders. A monthly anthology series of adult audio fiction exploring why we keep fighting, and why we are defeated.
Episode 1:
written by Brian C. Williams
Narrated By Sophie Flack
Sophie Flack is a British actress and voice actress. Sophie trained at Drama Studio London and since graduating has toured with theatre productions both in the UK and internationally, both classical and modern, including: Helena in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’; Lady Capulet in ‘Romeo & Juliet’; Miss Mary Tregennis in ‘Sherlock’s Poisons’ and Belle/Ghost of Christmas Past in ‘A Christmas Carol.’. Film work includes British thriller ‘Dragonflies Only Live for 24 Hours’ and upcoming Howard Ford horror movie ‘The Lockdown Hauntings.’
As a voice actress she has worked on numerous radio productions, including: Beryl Stapleton in ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’; Helen Stoner in ‘The Adventure of the Speckled Band’ and Kathleen/Goody in ‘The Haunted Crossroads.’ She is the voice of Kristina in upcoming audio drama series ‘Lemon Drop Falls’; Princess Cynewyn in ‘Piercing Time’; Alison in ‘So That’s It Then’and Hannah in the short satire ‘Derbyshire Police’, as well as working on various corporate and audiobook productions.
#tinuniverse #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #art #tinpod #spacecoast #floridapodcasters #valiantcomics #Politics #doctorwho #cosplay
For serialized audio books, interviews, audio dramas, as well as podcasts on Classic Valiant Comics, politics, Doctor Who, Cosplay, and more check out Tin Pod Radio.
Also if you have ever wanted to do your own podcast we will host other creators shows for free to get different and varied voices out there.
For all things Tin Universe:
#tinuniverse #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #art #tinpod #spacecoast #floridapodcasters #valiantcomics #Politics #doctorwho #cosplay #audiofiction #fiction #originalsin

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Sneak Peek: The Trinity Prophecy Chapter 1
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
For the Book Birthday of The Trinity Prophecy we decided to give you a sneak peek of The Trinity Prophecy Chapter 1 The Snowy Mountain Prince. The series starts in January of 2021. We hope you enjoy Chapter 1.
The Trinity Prophecy is written by Marissa Kinzel. For more on Marissa and The Trinity Prophecy head over to https://www.marissakinzel.com/
Our narrators are Theo Holt-Bailey You can find Theo online on his Twitter: @TheoHoltBailey , Journey Brown-Saintel You can find more information at her website:
https://jrbs20.wordpress.com/ , and Chrystian Marte For more information on Chrystian head over to his Website: http://chrystianmarte.com/
The voice of Tin Universe is Stacey Taylor http://www.popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
Produced By Brian C. Williams and Marissa Kinzel
Illustrations by Melissa McManus.
Music From MusicBed: https://www.musicbed.com/
For More things Tin Universe: http://tinuniverse.blogspot.com/

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
ORIGINAL SIN Episode 2: Audrey Danners
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
The Original Sin is the place we fear, the place we kill for, the place of desire, and the birth place of all spiders. A monthly anthology series of adult audio fiction exploring why we keep fighting, and why we are defeated.
Episode 1:
written by Brian C. Williams
Narrated By Brian C. Williams
The Voice Of Tin Universe Is Stacey Taylor http://popcultureparlour.podbean.com/
Music from MusicBed https://www.musicbed.com/
For serialized audio books, interviews, audio dramas, as well as podcasts on Classic Valiant Comics, politics, Doctor Who, Cosplay, and more check out Tin Pod Radio.
Also if you have ever wanted to do your own podcast we will host other creators shows for free to get different and varied voices out there.
For all things Tin Universe:
#tinuniverse #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #art #tinpod #spacecoast #floridapodcasters #valiantcomics #Politics #doctorwho #cosplay #audiofiction #fiction #originalsin

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
ORIGINAL SIN Episode 1: Paychance Opening Sunday Thoughts
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
The Original Sin is the place we fear, the place we kill for, the place of desire, and the birth place of all spiders. A monthly anthology series of adult audio fiction exploring why we keep fighting, and why we are defeated.
Episode 1:
written by Brian C. Williams
Narrated By Debs Wardle http://debswardle.co.uk/
Music from MusicBed https://www.musicbed.com/
For serialized audio books, interviews, audio dramas, as well as podcasts on Classic Valiant Comics, politics, Doctor Who, Cosplay, and more check out Tin Pod Radio.
Also if you have ever wanted to do your own podcast we will host other creators shows for free to get different and varied voices out there.
For all things Tin Universe:
#tinuniverse #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio #art #tinpod #spacecoast #floridapodcasters #valiantcomics #Politics #doctorwho #cosplay #audiofiction #fiction #originalsin

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Informal stories are a improv, off the brain, spoken word, no edits experimentation of writers release. For more Tin Universe tinuniverse.blogspot.com

Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction audio drama series is serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to have the series lead voiced by the very talented Brittanie Wood {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday
#tinuniverse #trees #art#artistsoninstagram #floridaartists#floridafilmmakers #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio#tinpod #spacecoast

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction audio drama series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to have the series lead voiced by the very talented Brittanie Wood {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday
#tinuniverse #trees #art#artistsoninstagram #floridaartists#floridafilmmakers #tinpodradio #podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio #podbean #stitcher #itunes #applepodcasts #streamingaudio#tinpod #spacecoast

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Tin Pod #34: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 14
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Tin Pod #60 T.U.M. Story One, Chapter 14 100th Tin Universe Story
This special episode of Tin Pod rounds up T.U.M. Story One, celebrates all the cool people who have made this show something very special to me, and as the title says it's Tin Universe's 100th story. Thank you to Stacey for the great work she has done one all my crazy thoughts, and thank you to all the guests who have inspired me so much to keep making and telling stories.
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tin Pod #33: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 13b
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie Wood {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday
#tinuniverse #trees #art#artistsoninstagram #floridaartists#floridafilmmakers #tinpodradio#podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio#podbean #stitcher #itunes#applepodcasts #streamingaudio#tinpod #spacecoast#flor

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tin Pod #32: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 13
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday

Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie Wood {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday
#tinuniverse #trees #art#artistsoninstagram #floridaartists#floridafilmmakers #tinpodradio#podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio#podbean #stitcher #itunes#applepodcasts #streamingaudio#tinpod #spacecoast#floridapodcasters

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tin Pod #31: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 12
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday

Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
TREES: FALSE EMERGENCY. This flash fiction series will be serialized as part of Tin Pod Radio releases as well as on its own. Follow the story of how the general public first started to become aware of Anchor
We are also pleased to say the series lead will be voiced by the very talented Brittanie {BubblyWaffo }. Check out all her social media stops to find out more about the actress, cosplayer, singer we are so excited to have starring in the role of Breaking News. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bubblywaffo/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bubblywaffo
INSTAGRAM: @chocowaffo
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/bubblywaffo
Anchor designed by @cartoonautopsy and @hangofwednesday
#tinuniverse #trees #art#artistsoninstagram #floridaartists#floridafilmmakers #tinpodradio#podcasting #podcasts #radio #audio#podbean #stitcher #itunes#applepodcasts #streamingaudio#tinpod #spacecoast#floridapodcasters

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tin Interviews #25: Jaimie Engle
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
In this episode Brian talks with local writer Jaimie Engle about her latest book Metal Mouth. For more on all her books and other work check out her website: http://jmebooks.com/

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Cosplay Lighthouse #11: A Talk with Snip3ri
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Cosplay Lighthouse #11: A Talk with Snip3ri
We record this talk with Snip3ri months ago. She said she didn't have any links to promote per se, but she'd love if we could do a shoutout/promotion for her partner in crime who goes by ookamisun on instagram; so go check out ookamisun when you get a chance. Life, the universe, and too many things hitting my life at once including my first tabling at a convention delayed the release of this episode but I think it's a nice one to release right before the con appearence at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con.
If you are a cosplayer and would like to chat with us, drop a note on our TWITTER or any of our other social media sites and we can chat about getting something scheduled.

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
I Wish I Was Brave #9 Vintage Magnus Robot Fighter #1
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
I Wish I Was Brave #9 Vintage Magnus Robot Fighter #1
In this episode we talk about Vintage Magnus Robot Fighter #1, and our panic attack the night before our first convention appearence as tomorrow all of Tin Universe will have a table at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con
WITHThe Right Voice (MorganTJ Whirlwind Remix) by morgantj (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/morgantj/35199

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Brain Leakage #12: The Ghost Monument
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
The leakage is back and talking about The Ghost Monument. Our brain is a little scrambled heading into our first con appearence so we have our best NPR voice on for this episode.
If you would be interested in co-hosting or guesting to talk about a Doctor Who episode contact us about setting something up. Or if you want to add you two cents about The Woman Who Fell To Earth in an audio clip we'd love to hear from you. We'd love for Brain Leakage to become a Doctor Who community review show.
Tin Universe will be tabling at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con Oct. 21st. Presented by Cosplay Lighthouse will be our special guest @enosh1ma

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Shortlisted #10: Top Ten Writers Who Disowned Their Own Work
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
We really should do a Top Ten ways we really enjoy taking with each other but there are always scheduling issues, audio problems {this episode Eryn sounds like a robot from Classic Doctor Who}, and lets not forget the times I just flat out forgot we were suppose to record. Heck, Eryn was even nearby today and we couldn't find a way of meeting for the first time. {I had a Insta photo planned to say- Look we have actually found a way to schedule a Shortlisted face to face but no new episode} All that being said as we celebrate Tin Pod Radio this week and head into our first convention tabling at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con I want to say thank you to Eryn for putting up with all the issues and dealing with me on a short of semi and maybe not so much sceduled time frame :)
Shortlisted, the podcast where the hosts take a Top Ten list off the internet, because there are a few, and talk about it in a timed out amount of space. They just set a clock, and maybe not always at the right time, and talk for an hour, and then shut up no matter if they've made it through the list or not. They're not racing against time, they're shortlisting their big mouths.
Contact us to suggest a list or tell us we need to talk faster: shortlistedpod@gmail.com

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tin Pod #30: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 11b
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
From the waters Death changes everything.
Tin Universe will be tabling at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con Oct. 21st. Presented by Cosplay Lighthouse will be our special guest @enosh1ma
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Brain Leakage #11: The Woman Who Fell To Earth
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
The leakage is back and talking about The Woman Who Fell To Earth, and the beginning of the Jodie Whittaker era of Doctor Who.
If you would be interested in co-hosting or guesting to talk about a Doctor Who episode contact us about setting something up. Or if you want to add you two cents about The Woman Who Fell To Earth in an audio clip we'd love to hear from you. We'd love for Brain Leakage to become a Doctor Who community review show.
Tin Universe will be tabling at Melbourne Toy & Comic Con Oct. 21st. Presented by Cosplay Lighthouse will be our special guest @enosh1ma

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Tin Pod #29: T.U.M. Story One, Chapter 11
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Cosplay Lighthouse #10: A Talk with Magical Error Cosplay
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Brian tries recording from the road. Despite some audio issues on their end it turns out to be a good conversation with Magical Error Cosplay. Go give a listen.
If you are a cosplayer and would like to chat with us, drop a note on our TWITTER or any of our other social media sites and we can chat about getting something scheduled.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tin Pod #28: T.U.M. Book One, Chapter 10b
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
From the waters Death changes everything.
The first Tin Universe story hits it's time for audio adaption. Just as with book one of T.U.M.G.S. when T.U.M. Book One is finished it will be collected into one whole audio book and sold for a charity to be named later.
And that reminds me to tell you you can download the last audio series a whole audio book here and all profits made from the downloads will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the book is here on Podbean. Trans Lifeline works to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service. They empower trans people to help one another, and to shape collective efforts by drawing upon their wealth of individual experiences.
You can read this story, in whole, in it's original ebook form for free here.

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Cosplay Lighthouse #9: Miizahime
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Despite some audio and computer issues this talk with Miizahime turned out really good. We talked about attacks on POC cosplayers, how Miizahime got started in cosplay, and current feelings about the community.
You can find Miizahime: https://m.facebook.com/MiizaMiizaa/ (FB Page) https://ko-fi.com/K3K2FC2K (Ko-Fi)
If you are a cosplayer and would like to chat with us, drop a note on our TWITTER or any of our other social media sites and we can chat about getting something scheduled.